Alerts in Gathr allows you to create alerts to be notified on System or Application Events (applicable for streaming pipelines only). Alerts facilitates you to be notified every time the given criteria for an alert is satisfied.
On the Alerts listing page, you can view the created alerts. From the listing page you can edit/delete an alert.
To create an alert, click on the + icon (Create Alert).
To configure alert, provide details for the below fields:
Field | Description |
Alert Name | Provide a unique name of alert to be configured. |
Select Pipeline | Select a batch pipeline for which the alert is to be generated. |
Email Id’s | Provide comma-separated email id(s) on which the alert notifications are to be sent. Alternatively, option to upload the list of email id’s is available. |
Frequencies | Provide the frequencies in minutes/hours/days on which the alerts will occur. |
SNS Setting | Option to choose SNS (Simple Notification Service) from the choosen pipeline. (Super user can enable/disable the setting). |
Enable Notification
Field | Description |
Pipeline Stats | The statistical details of the pipeline to be notified via. an email. |
Low Input Data ( in last 1 minutes ) | Select an emitter and provide minimum number of input records to generate analysis of low/missing records and notify via. an email. |
Fluctuating Throughput Rate ( in last 1 minutes ) | Option to select multiple emitters to derive average processing rate (per second) since last notification. |
Under the Alerts tab you can see the high level view of the details of the specific alerts created.
Under Actions you can view the details of Last Alert Config, Last Alert Data and details of all the alerts received for the particular alert for the pipeline.
Under the Application tab, you will receive alerts generated if in any pipeline, the Alert processor is used.
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